Webinaire international : CSR and digital Responsability

Discover the CSR and Digital Responsibility labels from Agence LUCIE

Free on registration

14 novembre 2023 | 13:00 - 14:00

Prochaine date : Mardi 14 novembre 2023, 13h00

Since 2007, Agence LUCIE, through labels and a training center, has helped more than 1200 organizations become the organizations the society needs.

Through this webinar, you will learn how Agence LUCIE can help your organization develop, manage, and value your CSR or DR policy.

As an added bonus, we'll be delighted to welcome David Clero from International Assistance Group to talk about their CSR approach.

## Format

- Webinar - Lenght : 1h30 - David Clero International Assistance group